Two Climbers Fall In The Grand Teton National Park

National Pars Traveler has posted a very sad article about two climbers who fell in Grand Teton National Park. Apparently they fell while climbing on Sunday and were reported missing yesterday. When rangers went looking for them, they spotted the bodies, but as of this time they can't be reached due to unsafe conditions in the area. The names of the climbers are being withheld at this time. (Thanks for the heads up Carl!)

It's been a rough week on the climbing community. First we had word on Lara Kellogg, and yesterday The Adventurist posted this story with the terrible news that both Andi Orgler and Kasper Ochsner died on separate climbs. And if that wasn't enough, ExWeb has reported that Italian climber Sergio Dalla Longa has fallen to his death on Dhaulagiri.

It's a rash of accidents like these that makes you realize that mountaineering is still a very dangerous activity, and that the places we go can be very unforgiving. Keep the friends and familes of these fallen comrades in your thoughts this week, and keep your fingers crossed that they are the last fatalties we'll have to report on for a good long while.

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