The Adventure Racing Season Ahead

While we all wait patiently for that big news on Primal Quest, The Gear Junkie reminds us all, with this article in the New York Times that there are plenty of other races to participate in.

The article is a brief introduction to the sport, with the obligatory nod to Mark Burnett and Eco-Challenge, and a look at the athletes who take part in the sport. Traditionally, adventure races consist of teams of three or four people, often co-ed teams are a requirement, who run, mountain bike, or paddle their way through a course in some remote area. The length of the races vary great, with "sprints" taking only a few hours, 24 hour and weekend races taking several days, and "expedition length" races, such as PQ and Eco-Challenge lasting a week or more.

In this article, several races are spotlighted, including Infiterra's eXpedition Race held in Michigan, The Wild Adventure Race Sprints held in Wisconsin, and the USARA National Championships in Missouri.

A lot of people have been lamenting the fact that adventure racing is a dying sport, because it lacks a crown jewel like Primal Quest this year. But really, there are more races than ever and more people racing in them as well. It's just that the focus has shifted toward shorter races that give more people an opportunity to try the sport out.

And for those looking for one of those crown jewels, don't forget about The AR World Championship kicking off next week in Alba, Scotland.

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