Charlie and Ewan Take the Long Way Down!

Many of you probably remember the book and TV series Long Way Round in which actors Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor rode their motorcycles around the World. They started off in London, proceeded across Europe, and some very desloate areas of Asia (Russia, Mongolia, etc.), hopped a ferry to Alasksa, and cruised across the states. Well, now they're off on their next adventure dubbed Long Way Down.

This time they'll be riding to the southern most tip of Africa, departing once more from London. The show is set to air on the BBC in September, and hopefully will be picked up again and shown in the States as well. The first series, which is available on DVD was a lot of fun to watch. The two movie stars are long time friends, and you could tell they had an amazing time on their journey together. If you haven't seen the show, it's well worth the 15 bucks they're asking for it.

Of course, they're not the first to do this, as Lois Pryce whose book I recently reviewed has also done this epic trip on her motorcycle, and chronicled her adventures on her website. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing what Charlie and Ewan have in store for us.

Thanks Gadling!

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