More on Conrad Anker's Throw-back Climb. has posted more information on Conrad Anker's attempt to climb Everest using gear similar to that used by George Mallory and and Sandy Irvine back in 1924.

It seems the team has arrived in BC and are acclimatizing now. They arrived late by typcial climbing standards, but it was part of their plan, as they wil wait for all the other commercial teams to make their summit pushes first. Because the team is filming the climb for a documentary film, they will wait until all the other teams are down before taking their shot at the top. The film is suppose to be set in 1924, and they didn't want to run the risk of catching anyone else on camera. Of course, waiting so late in the season leaves little room for error should the weather turn bad, or they fail to successfully top out.

As if climbing in vintage gear wasn't enough, they'll be climbing the Second Step without the use of the ladders that are in place there. Mallory and Irvine didn't have a ladder, so neither will Anker and his co-star, British climber Leo Houlding. They'll be attempting to climb the route that Mallory had intended when he set out for his fateful Everest climb. The goal of course, is to prove that Mallory could have made the summit.

The article also notes that this isn't the first time a climb like this has been made. A spanish team did the same thing back in 2000 as part of a documentary series for Spanish television. That team didn't make the summit, but did get back down in one piece.

It should be fun to watch the climb unfold and I'd love to see the documentary when it's finished. You can find out more on the expeditions official website.

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