Retiring the Old Masthead and Design

Old Masthead

Yes, I've finally refreshed the masthead and design; I've been meaning to retire this old one for a long time. Not only has the United logo long since changed, but who the heck still uses terms like "moblog" and "cameraphone"? The mobile version of the template wasn't very pretty either. Admittedly, the new masthead wasn't exactly the way that I had envisioned it, but I suppose that it will work for now. (And yes, the United lounge's Bloody Mary totally hit the spot after those hot dogs in Denver.)

I was also eager to finally get away from the British spelling of the word "travelling." See, I used to subscribe to Business Traveller magazine, which in Asia is published out of Hong Kong, and hence uses British English. Seeing two L's on the cover of each month's issue must have entered my head through osmosis, and somehow I subconsciously used the same spelling when creating the name of this blog many years ago. But I use American English when I write, so I'm finally aligning it now for consistency's sake.

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