Everest Update: Khumbu Icefall Closed!

MountEverest.net has posted another Everest Update this time with more news on the death of that Sherpa yesterday, and an word that the Khumbu Icefall is closed at the moment.

Forty year old Dawa Sherpa was working yesterday between C2 and C3 when he fell to his death. Dawa apparently slipped and fell into the Kharpas crevasse while climbing towards C3. My guess is that he was taking supplies to the camp for the ten member international team that he was working for. The Sherpas know the risks they are taking when they work on the mountain, but they are the strongest, most amazing climbers in the World. It is alway a shame when something like this happens, and we wish his family and friends all the best in this trying time.

In other news, an avalanche has closed the route across the Khumbu Icefall this morning, forcing some teams to stay in BC until it can be cleared. The route was expected to be inspected and repaired today allowing teams to move on tomorrow, however there is some word of dissention amongst the teams that the route through the Icefall, the most dangerous place on Everest, is not being maintained well this season. Each team pays part of the fee to build the route of ladders through the Icefall, and apparently some of those teams are demanding more Icefall Doctors be brought in to shape things up. I've also heard that the Icefall is quite active this season, which can't be making conditions any better.

On the North side, word is Maxut and Vassily, the two men making their summit bid a few days ago have been forced to retreat to ABC due to bad weather. They'll wait for another weather window before making another push. Gavin Bate's Team on Cho Oyu reports being woken by the Chinese Military who were searching for climbers who are reportedly heading to Everest without the proper climbing permits. These "undocumented" climbers are not allowed on the mountain, and the Chinese will likely try to find them and stop them from heading to Everest. Either that, or they'll shake them down for the cash for those permits. Finally, those American activists that showed up in BC to protest for a Free Tibet a few days ago have been expelled by the Chinese Government. Big surprise.

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