Showing posts with label Christian heritage sites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian heritage sites. Show all posts

Murrisk Friary, County Mayo

Murrisk Friary is beautifully situated beneath Croagh Patrick, on the southern shores of Clew Bay in Co. Mayo. Today the Friary stands in ruin and a modern graveyard has developed around it. The Friary is thought to have been founded in 1456 and was handed over to the Augustinian Friars. According to historical sources, Hugh O’ Malley (a Sligo friar) built a monastery on land granted to him by the powerful O’Malley family. The O’ Malleys were important land owners in this part of Mayo, and the famous Pirate Queen GrĂ¡inne Mhaol (Grace O'Malley) was one of their more illustrious descendants.
It is thought that the lands were leased in 1578, during the reign of Elizabeth I, to James Garvey. We do not know if the monks remained at Murrisk after this time, however, it is likely that they retained a presence at the friary. A foundation like Murrisk, which, was in an isolated location, away from the eyes of government, may well have escaped the full effects of the Dissolution of the Monasteries during the Reformation. 

The Friary also appears in a poem by a Fr. William Bourke in 1730 which describes “lovely Murrisk, so tranquil and mild …” 
[see the bottom of this article for the full poem].
The East Window

Murrisk next appears when the Archbishop of Tuam notes that there was one Friar living in Murrisk in 1801. It seems that the site was abandoned by the mid-nineteenth century and is today maintained by the Office of Public Works.

The main part of the visible remains today appear to date to the fifteenth century. You can see the remains of the church, with some domestic buildings to the north giving the site a distinctive 'L' shape. One of the notable features of the site is the east window, beautifully sculpted in the flamboyant Irish Gothic style. 

The crenellations or battlements, crowning the building are thought to be of a later date. There are carved faces on the southern and eastern walls of the friary. It is unknown who these faces represent, but it was quite common in the medieval period to display depictions of wealthy patrons of the church on the walls of the building. The domestic buildings of the monastery would have been situated around the simple church at right angles to it. The remains of the sacristy and the chapter house are all that survives of these buildings today. The chapter house was one of the most important structures in the Friary as it was the place where the monks met to discuss the day to day running of the abbey and where the Rules of the Order were read to the community of monks working, living and praying in the Friary. There are no above ground traces of other domestic buildings associated with medieval religious houses such as the Refectory (kitchen) or the Dormitories where the monks would have slept. 

Early medieval shrines like Shrine of St. Patrick's Tooth and the Black Bell of St. Patrick may have been stored and venerated at the friary at Murrisk as it is a stopping point on the pilgrimage up the holy mountain. Indeed Murrisk Friary itself was dedicated to St. Patrick shortly after its foundation. The Viscount Mayo Chalice is also associated with Murrisk as the inscription incised into the 17th century chalice reads: “Pray for the souls of Theobald, Lord Viscount Mayo, and his wife, Maud O’ Connor, who caused me to be made for the monastery of Murrisk, 1635” It is thought that this chalice continued to be used until the 18th century. 

The site at Murrisk is a very interesting example of a later medieval religious house. The site is made even more spectacular by its incredible setting at the foot of Croagh Patrick – the Holy Mountain of Ireland – and on the shores of Clew Bay. It is well worth a visit if you are over in the west. To get to Murrisk, make your way west from Westport towards Lecanvey and Louisburgh. The site is located down a narrow lane to the right of the main road, on the opposite side of the car park for Croagh Patrick, close to The National Famine Monument

The Friar’s Farewell to Murrisk,
Fr. William Bourke, 1730.

Farewell to you lovely Murrisk,
So tranquil and mild,
And to the fine lordly mountains,
That rise up on all sides,
As I walked on the strand there,
The curlew’s refrain,
Was sweeter than all the music,
On this side of the plain.

I promised to obey,
The friars placed over me,
And to submit my desires,
To those of the community,
This is what has left me,
Condemned here to long craving,
For I would never have left Murrisk,
And its beautiful havens.

If I can hold out,
Until the cuckoo’s call beguiles,
I will then go to Murrisk,
And rest there a while.
The folk here are not,
The pleasant wise company I knew,
But are like idols of oak,
With an axe rough hewn.

From: The Story of Mayo. 2003. Mayo County Council. 

Oughterard Round Tower and Church, Kildare

Usually when we visit historical sites we have done a little bit of homework and researched the basic information in advance, this is usually the best way of finding out not only the details of the site, but also any particular feature that we should look out for to ensure we don't miss anything. However our visit to Oughterard Round Tower was an occasion that proved that sometimes it's great to just pick a site off the Ordnance Survey Discovery Series Maps and turn up without any expectations as you may get a nice surprise! 

Oughterard Round Tower and Church is located between Straffen and Kill in County Kildare. The site is accessed by a set of steps and stile in the tall wall that surrounds the site. The name Oughterard derives from the Gaelic Uachtar Ard - which translates to 'High Place', the name is very apt as one of the first things you notice about this site are the stunning views of the countryside of County Dublin and Kildare that surround you. 
A monastery was said to have been founded here some time in the early 6th Century by Saint Briga. The site was recorded in the Annals as being burned by the Dublin Vikings led by Sihtric Silkenbeard in 995 AD. Later during the Norman invasions of Ireland, Oughterard was included in the vast estates given to the Norman leader of the invasions, Richard de Clare (Strongbow), by Diarmuid MacMurrough King of Leinster as part of the dowry when Strongbow married MacMurrough's daughter Aoife. Today you can see the well preserved remains of a medieval church (looks to date to around the fourteenth century) with a barrel-vaulted roof, it's adjoining rectangular tower is in a slightly precarious position and is held up by large concrete supports. The round tower now only stands approximately 9 metres high, but what is left is in good condition. It is constructed of limestone, with large granite blocks used to frame the doorway. 

The site itself is well worth a visit, with it's beautiful views and peaceful air you can really get a sense of history and tranquility. The site also holds a nice surprise that I alluded to in the opening paragraph. Before you enter the church, take a look at the gravestone marking a tomb in the wall on the right hand side. This marks the resting place of none other than the famous Arthur Guinness himself, founder of the Guinness Brewery and the creator of countless sore heads. The slab reads: In the adjoining Vault are deposited the mortal remains of ARTHUR GUINNESS late of JAMES'S GATE IN THE CITY and of BEAUMONT IN THE COUNTY OF DUBLIN ESQUIRE who departed this life on the 23rd of January A.D 1803 aged 78 years and also those of OLIVIA HIS WIFE who died in the month of March 1814 aged 72 years. They lived universally beloved & respected and their memory will long be cherished by a numerous circle of friends relations and descendants.
So if you are ever inclined to go on a pilgrimage to thank the man who created the brand synonymous with Ireland then you may find yourself in a quiet and peaceful ancient burial ground in County Kildare.

If anyone would like more information on Irish history, or if you are interested in enjoying the amazing tale of some of Ireland's superb historical sites then take a look at we provide audioguides packed with sound effects and original music to really help immerse you in history in a fun way, the guides can be enjoyed at home or at the sites and are also available from iTunes, Eircom Music Hub, Sony Music Unlimited, Amazon and Spotify. 

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