Showing posts with label Site News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Site News. Show all posts

No Updates Tomorrow!

I'm off for a long weekend, but this time I won't be doing any work. It's all about escape and relaxation for the next few days. I'll be back to the normal routine on Monday, but until then I plan to have some fun. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you'll probably figure out where I'm at pretty quickly.

In the meantime, I have several posts in place for today with some good stuff to share. I hope you enjoy and I'll be back with more updates soon.

Limited Updates The Rest Of The Week

Just a brief site update this morning to let regular readers know that this week and next I will be traveling some which will prevent me from making regular updates on Thursday and Friday of both weeks. The next few days I'll be busy with work and at the end of next week I'll be busy with a relaxing escape. I will be back with regular posts next Monday through Wednesday before returning to my regular schedule the following week.

In the meantime, get outside and enjoy some adventures of your own. Here in the northern hemisphere we are well into the fall now, and the crisp air, cooler temperatures and wonderful autumn colors should be savored. Get on your bike and go for a ride. Gather up some friends or family and take a hike. Go for a long run. Do anything that gets you off the couch and outside for a little while. It'll definitely be worth it.

I have a few updates scheduled for today. After that, I'll be back next week. See you soon!

Adventure Blog On Another Break!

Just a quick programming note. I'm out of town the next few days and probably won't be able to update again until Friday. No, I'm not off on another great adventure (I wish!) but instead I have to attend a convention for the day job and earn my keep for a change. It's not all bad though, as I'll be sitting on a panel discussion and making a presentation as well. I promise to be posting updates again as soon as possible.